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Monday, July 19, 2010

How to Make Baby Footprint For the Grandparents

If you are looking for a completely unique gift that you could give to both sets of grandparents once your child has been born then why not consider getting a baby footprint in ink done. Not only will it be something that they can cherish for many years to come it will also provide them with a memento of that very important day in all your lives.

Many years ago it was a tradition for a large number of hospitals to produce an ink footprint shortly after a baby had been born. But unfortunately over time this tradition has fallen by the way side because due to the work commitments being placed on hospital staff. However just because the hospital no longer does it, does not mean that you don't have to.

Today there are a number of different ways of keeping a reminder that you can pass on to the paternal and maternal grandparents of a newborn as well as for the parents. You can as previously mentioned make one using ink or instead you can go for a clay version. Certainly casting of three dimensional objects especially a baby's feet or hands in clay is become increasingly popular.

But if you are worried that you won't be able to find what you need or don't have an art or crafts store close to where you live then the next place to search for the equipment you need is online. Today there are a large number of sites who have specialist kits which you can then use to produce an exact copy of your baby's foot or handprint.

Such kits will come with or without a frame and all are completely safe to use. But below we provide the steps you need to go through in order to make a baby footprint using polymer clay.

After getting the clay you need to take it out of its packaging and knead it until is becomes pliable and soft. Then you need to roll the clay into an egg or oval shape that is large enough to take your baby's footprint in. Once the clay is rolled out you need to gently place your child's clean foot and press it down lightly onto the clay so an impression of their foot remains.

It is important at this stage you do not press too hard so that their foot goes completely through. After wiping your baby's foot clean using a cloth and some baby oil and ensuring that all excess clay has been removed. Remember children at this age have a habit of sticking anything they can into their mouths.

Finally if you want make a hole at the top end (where the heel is) so that you can string some ribbon or rope through after the clay has been baked. Now once you have put your baby's name and their date of birth into the clay it needs baking. Generally it will take around 30 minutes at a temperature of 250degree for the clay to bake and become hard.

Please note that after the 30 minutes baking have been completed you then need to leave the clay to cool down completely before you actually begin handling it. Also it is important that you keep the clay away from small hands and mouths as well. But when it comes to making a baby footprint keepsake by following the steps above you will see just how easy it is to achieve.

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